AP® English Literature & CompositionAll Genders Course;
Students enrolled in AP® English Literature and Composition have the opportunity to practice what it means to listen as well as speak with authentic voices. They consider fiction, drama, poetry, and short stories from the 1600s to the present, discovering how each work portrays some facet of the universal human condition and analyzing the interplay between diverse individuals, nations, and cultures expressed in those works. Students look closely at the interplay between content (the story a writer wants to tell or the moment he or she wants to capture) and form (the way the story or moment is offered to the reader) to enhance understanding of the texts. Students gain the necessary skills for success on the AP® English Literature and Composition Exam in May. Equally important, they amass indisputable proof of the global interdependence that characterizes the modern world.
"My teacher has been incredibly supportive in my work and I recommend this course to anyone who has a passion or deep interest in English!" Course ApprovalThis course is approved by the College Board and the NCAA. One Schoolhouse is fully accredited with the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges through December 1, 2025; we are an approved online publisher for the University of California. |
Academic Program TeachersAcademic Program teachers are passionate about helping students flourish and thrive.